Four Creative Container Gardens You’ll Want to Make this Weekend

While container gardening is a great solution if you have little or no space in your garden, it has also evolved as a creative way to add color and personality to your exterior.

We have rounded up some of our favorite creative container garden “how-tos” to inspire some new outdoor DIY projects.

Succulent Birdcage Planter

birdcageBirdcages planted up with succulents are a fun way to add a whimsical touch to the garden.


IKEA Lantern Terrarium

white lanternThis DIY terrarium, which uses a $7.99 IKEA lantern as a base, could not be simpler. It can also easily be transferred inside at the end of the summer.

Bike Basket Planter

bike with flower basketWe love this creative upcycling (literally)! Deborah from DIY Home & Garden gave a rusty old bike new life with baskets filled with sunflowers and impatiens.

Chandelier Planter

potted plant chandelier

Rescuing a forgotten chandelier from your neighborhood thrift store can give new life to your front porch, eave or even a backyard tree. This simple and rewarding DIY is something you can do in about an hour.

Let the home style tips come to you.