Vie À L’extérieur

Quatre raisons de célébrer votre jardin en hiver

For many, winter is a period to slog through and a necessary evil — snow interferes with our travel plans, while windy days send chills deep into our bones. And yet, winter is a miracle. Without it, a lot of our plants and wildlife simply wouldn’t thrive. Here are four reasons to praise winter.

Give Your Outdoor Rooms a Cozy Winter Makeover

While it’s certainly true that in some regions sitting on the patio in midwinter is not realistic, for those who live in mild climates there’s no reason outdoor rooms must sit unused for several months.

Comment ajouter de la chaleur grâce à un foyer d’extérieur.

Dans les aménagements des espaces de vie à l’extérieur, les foyers ont la cote.

Art de vivre à l’extérieur

Ready to plan the perfect outdoor party? We’ll show you how.

Détail de rénovation: 4 appareillages de pavés de terrasse

As our outdoor renovation plans heat up, the patio and path ideas are percolating. After settling on brick as our material of choice, who knew we’d then have to select the pattern in which the brick is laid?

Tonnelle, pergola, toit de terrasse : quelle est la différence?

When someone mentions building an arbor, pergola or patio cover we all get a picture of an outdoor structure in our head.

Une douche extérieure pour combler notre désir de confort et propreté.

It’s a clear fact and an undeniable trend: we’re taking the well-designed comforts of our homes’ interiors and replicating them on the outside. Exhibit A: the outdoor shower. It’s what makes home not just a shelter, but a destination.

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